Monday, October 14, 2013

"A Solitary Way" Jesus, the Messiah~~~ the King of kings and Lord of lords!

Sent by A Precious Disciple of the Lord,

~~~Kim Darling~~~

(She and some other sweet folks will be highlighted in a new posting that is forthcoming on:

"The Suffering of Christ and How It Relates to Your Suffering")

Here is what this saint says:
This is just a little poem I stumbled across during a very difficult and long illness.
It was such an encouragement to my heart
and I wanted to share it with others. The
author is "unknown."
I hope that it will bless your heart as much
as it has mine.
God bless,

 A Solitary Way

There is a mystery in human hearts,
And though we be encircled by a host
Of those who love us well, and are beloved,
To every one of us, from time to time,
There comes a sense of utter loneliness.
Our dearest friend is “stranger” to our joy,
And cannot realize our bitterness.
“There is not one who really understands,
Not one to enter into all I feel,”
Such is the cry of each of us in turn.
We wander in “a solitary way,”* (Psalm 107:4)
No matter what or where our lot may be;
Each heart, mysterious even to itself,
Must live its inner life in solitude.
And would you know the reason why this is?
It is because the Lord desires our love.
In every heart He wishes to be first,
He therefore keeps the secret key Himself,
To open all its chambers, and to bless
With perfect sympathy and holy peace
Each solitary soul which comes to Him.
So when we feel this loneliness it is
The voice of Jesus saying, “Come to me”;
And every time we are “not understood,”
It is a call to us to come again:
For Christ alone can satisfy the soul.
And those who walk with Him from day to day
Can never have “a solitary way.”
And when beneath some heavy cross you faint
And say, “I cannot bear this load alone,”
You say the truth. Christ made it purposely
So heavy that you must return to Him.
The bitter grief, which “no one understands,”
Conveys a secret message from the King,
Entreating you to come to Him again.
The “Man of sorrows”* (Isaiah 53:3) understands it well,
“In all points tempted,”* (Hebrews 4:15) He can feel with you;
You cannot come too often, or too near.
The Son of God is infinite in grace,
His presence satisfies the longing soul;
And those who walk with Him from day to day
Can never have “a solitary way."

Kim further says:
Jesus says in Revelation 3:20

BEHOLD, I stand at the door and knock. If any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in
to him, and sup with him, and he with Me.
What does this mean?
Jesus lovingly invites us to let Him in, He wants full possession of our heart and life.  But He does not force Himself on anyone.  He wants joyful surrender.
This is my testimony:
I received Christ when I was 13 years old.
Jesus says that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.  No man comes to the Father but by Him (Christ).
To me, that was a blessed verse to stumble across when I
so desperately wanted to know God's solution for eternal life.  After all these years, I not only have complete assurance and perfect peace that I will spend eternity in God's Heaven but I've also been able to have the benefit of a wonderful, wonderful
relationship with my Savior even now while on this
There is such an awesome resolve to know why we exist.
It is an awesome privilege to have the power of an endless life!
~~~by Kim Darling~~~

~~~How to Accept Christ as the Lord of Your Life and Your Savior~~~

The One True God- God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit know your thoughts and your heart.  If you sincerely want to know God, to be accepted in His family and His kingdom (beginning now, continuing through death, and being immediately with Jesus- living in Heaven for eternity), then please talk to Him to tell the Lord that you are taking his already free Gift of Love when Jesus died on the cross and rose.
Here is a prayer you may want to say or whatever is on your heart and spirit in truth to Jesus, our Lord and Savior, the Creator of the earth and everything in it...most including you and me:
A Prayer for Salvation for You
Dear Father in Heaven, I have sinned against You and have not always been the way that You would have me to be.  I believe that Jesus Christ, Your Son, is the Only One, Fully God and Fully Man, Whom You sent to die on the cross for all my sins; they were paid in full because Jesus is the perfect Lamb of God, completely holy and without sin.  He took my place.  He died, was buried, and then arose from the grave, fully alive!  He spent time with His disciples and apostles, was seen by over 500 people, and then arose to sit at the right Hand of the Father, where He intercedes for me to the Father.  I am a co-heir with Jesus.  He loves me, and I want You, Jesus, to be Lord and Savior of my life from now on.  Thank You! 
(So be it.)

You are now a daughter or son of the Living God, and no one can ever take that away from you.  Find a good Christ-believing, Bible-believing and teaching church where people welcome you. 
Be reading God's Word, The Holy Bible, regularly/daily and be in fellowship with the Body of Christ, other true believers.  Pray and learn as much about the Lord as you can.  Try to do the right thing, if you fall short at times, talk to God about it.  You are His saint, and He forgives you.  Ask Him to help you and to protect you each day- the Holy Spirit will guide you because He sealed you the moment you accepted Christ.  Through thick or thin, bad and good times, plenty and little, no matter what, He is at your side...remember: 

"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." 
[Romans 8:28, (ESV) English Standard Version]

(This verse has held me up, kept me going, and encouraged me many, many times!  It is my Life Verse :)
You have instant access to God's heavenly throne because Jesus, His Son, sits at His right side interceding for you.  Pray for others- that is a great calling and will enrich you and help others.

Honor the Lord God above all with no false gods or deities.  Put Him first, then Love one another, as yourself.  Do the right thing.
You will be utterly amazed at how the Lord helps you every day and in so many ways. 
Talk to Him any moment of the day or night.
He is always on-call, never sleeps or shirks
His Love for you and His responsibility to you.
The last thing Jesus said to us before He departed for Heaven
after He had arisen
and was with us on earth for 40 more days:
 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
(Acts 1:8, ESV)
Jesus also said that He was going to prepare a place for us, and if it were not true, He would have told us so.  The Lord Jesus is preparing a place of many mansions for us. 
 Jesus Comforts the Disciples2"In My Father's house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. 3"If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also. 4"And you know the way where I am going."
(John 14:2-4, unsure of translation/transliteration/version)
Jesus then ascended to Heaven to be with God, the Father, and by Jesus' leaving us, the Holy Spirit of God was enabled to come join us to help us, to direct, to guide, and to comfort us; He lives within each of us who have asked Him into our hearts forever learning more of the glories and characteristics of the Lord, happy beyond description where there is no more sorrow, crying, devastation, or want.  It is an incredibly beautiful place of Joy, Acceptance, and Love!!!

God bless you in the riches of glory
Who is Christ Jesus!! 
He will never fail you.
Donna M.